History of life the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno

History of life of the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno
History of life the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno. Known as the Proclaimer even until now, Ir Soekarno is the most widely admired person in Indonesia. The first President of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the originator of Pancasila, Soekarno more familiar in call "Bung Karno" comes from Blitar, he is a hero of the Proclamation along with Mohammad Hatta. President Soekarno was a figure highly respected by the leaders of the countries of the world at that time.
"The definition of the word "Bung" in Big Indonesian Dictionary is "Brother" (term relationship with man)"
Soekarno was born in Surabaya precisely on June 6, 1901 with the original name named Koesno Sosrodihardjo, because often sick that may be due to his name is not appropriate then he then changed the name to Soekarno.

His father was named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and a mother named Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. His parents met in Bali when his father became a teacher in Bali and his mother was a nobleman in Bali. Soekarno is known to have a sibling or sister named Sukarmini.

Childhood and Young Soekarno
Regarding the life story of President Soekarno, as a child he did not live with his parents who are in Blitar. He lives with his grandfather named Raden Hardjokromo in Tulung Agung, East Java.

Soekarno even went to school there although not to finish along with his parents moved to Mojokerto.

In Mojokerto, Soekarno then schooled at Eerste Inlandse School where his father also worked there as a teacher. However, he was transferred in 1911 to an ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) at the elementary school level to be admitted to HBS (Hogere Burger School) in Surabaya.

After graduating and attending HBS in 1915, Soekarno then lived in Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto or H.O.S Cokroaminoto house, which is a friend of Soekarno's father.

Soekarno, Kartosuwiryo and Muso
History of life of the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno
From Left : Soekarno, Muso, and Kartosuwiryo
H.O.S Cokroaminoto is known as the founder of the "Serikat Islam" (SI) / "Islamic Union". It was at Cokroaminoto's house that Soekarno became acquainted with Serikat Islam (SI) leaders such as Haji Agus Salim and Abdul Muis.

Soekarno is also familiar with Muso, Alimin, Darsono and Semaun who later became known as leftist and Kartosuwiryo who later founded Darul Islam and led the rebellion against Soekarno, although in the end Soekarno himself who signed the death sentence execution of Kartosuwiryo who became his friend when he was young .

They live together in H.O.S Cokroaminoto house to gain knowledge and learn to organize through Serikat Islam (SI). Here the nationalist spirit of the nation of Indonesia becomes very big. Soekarno also took part in a youth organization in 1918 named Tri Koro Darmo which later changed its name to Jong Java. Soekarno was even active as a writer in a daily newspaper called Oetoesan Indies run by Cokroaminoto.

Soekarno Jailed By The Colonial Government
History of life of the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno
Sukamiskin Prison
From this Soekarno courage then the Dutch colonial government arrested him in Yogyakarta and put him into Banceuy prison in Bandung. Then in 1930, Soekarno was transferred to the Sukamiskin prison.

In this prison the necessities of his life all came from his faithful wife who accompanied Inggit Ganarsih who married Soekarno in 1923 that previously Soekarno had divorced Siti Oetari well while still in Bandung.

Inggit who is also assisted by Soekarno's brother Sukarmini often brought food to Soekarno in the prison of Sukamiskin, that's what then makes the supervision in prison Sukamiskin increasingly tightened.

According to the biography of President Soekarno from several sources, he was known Dutch as a prisoner who was able to incite others to think for independence so that he then considered quite dangerous.

He was then isolated with his elite prisoners to avoid getting information coming from outside the prison. These elite prisoners are mostly Dutch citizens who have cases such as embezzlement, corruption and misappropriation.

This is the goal of the Netherlands for the topic of the discussion on how to free Indonesia is not appropriate because the average elite prisoner with Soekarno is a Dutchman.

The topics he used to hear were not as important as the food in prison and the weather. For months at Sukamiskin causing Soekarno to break up communication with his comrades, but it was not difficult for him to get information from outside.

Soekarno finally found a new idea, where he uses eggs as a medium to communicate with his wife. If a friend of Soekarno experienced disaster or got bad news then the egg brought by his wife is salted egg, that too he can only guess because he did not know exactly what happened out there. To speak with Inggit, Soekarno was closely monitored and also the luggage carried by the inggit from outside the prison was always thoroughly examined.

Then Soekarno and the inggit finally found the way he considered the easiest in communicating in order not to be known by the Dutch ie with the same medium before the Egg where the way used slightly different that is by piercing the needle into the egg.

If one puncture on the egg is good news, if a double puncture on the egg means a friend of Soekarno is caught but if there are three strokes it means that the captured independence activist is big enough.

During his time in prison, his parents never once visited Soekarno, his reason was that Soekarno's parents could not see Soekarno imprisoned, he was thin and black while in prison because that was what Wardoyo's mother thought so that Soekarno's parents did not want to visit Soekarno.

In order for his parents not to panic Soekarno often reasoned that he often worked under the sun so that his skin blackened besides in prison he wanted to heat his bones because in prison, the room is very dark, damp and also cold because no sunlight.

Soekarno and Defense "Indonesia Menggugat (Indonesia Sues)"
History of life of the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno
His case was tried by the Dutch through a Landraad court in Bandung, when it had been eight months since December 18, 1930. Soekarno in his defense made a famous title "Indonesia Menggugat". Where he reveals that the Dutch as a greedy nation that has oppressed and deprived the independence of the Indonesian Nation.

From his defense then made the Dutch increasingly angry so that the PNI formed Soekarno dissolved in July 1930. After leaving the prison in December 1931, Soekarno then joined the Partindo in 1932 because he had no party anymore and he was then asked as leader of Partindo but he again captured by the Dutch and then exiled to Flores.

In 1938, he was later exiled to Bengkulu, where Soekarno met Mohammad Hatta who would become his comrade companion who would later proclaim the Indonesian Independence.

In Bengkulu also Soekarno then acquainted with Fatmawati who later became the wife of Soekarno and first lady. Fatmawati is the daughter of Hassan Din who invites Soekarno to teach at the Muhammadiyah School in Bengkulu.
In 1942, Dutch rule in Indonesia ended after Japan invaded Indonesia. Soekarno who was about to be transferred by the Dutch to Australia but failed after being intercepted by Japan. Soekarno then returned to Jakarta. Japan then utilized Soekarno along with other Indonesian leaders to attract the hearts of Indonesians.

Japan even appointed Soekarno to lead the preparation team for the independence of Indonesia, BPUPKI and PPKI after promising to give independence for Indonesia. Soekarno even had time to fly to Japan to meet with Emperor Hirohito.

Soekarno continually approached and cooperated with Japan with the aim that Indonesia was soon granted independence. All preparations for Indonesian independence were made by Soekarno, such as formulating Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as the ideology and state base and the formulation of the text of the proclamation of independence with Mohammad Hatta and Ahmad Soebardjo.

Before announcing Indonesia's independence in August 1945, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta along with other Indonesian leaders flew to Dalat, Vietnam to meet the highest leaders of the Japanese empire in Southeast Asia, Marshal Terauchi. Ahead of the proclamation of independence, there is a difference of views between the old and the old.

Occurrence of Rengasdengklok Event
History of life of the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno
Rengasdengklok Event
The Old Group wanted Indonesian independence to be well prepared and the young people wanted the independence of Indonesia to be proclaimed as soon as possible. This is what then makes young people kidnap Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta on August 16, 1945.

Both were then taken to the Rengasdengklok area in order to immediately proclaim Indonesian independence and keep it away from Japanese influence. This abduction event was later known as the Rengasdengklok Event.

Knowing that Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta were taken to Rengasdengklok made Ahmad Soebardjo then pick up Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta. Sutan Syahrir, who is known to be at odds with Soekarno, is angry to hear the young people kidnap Soekarno and Hatta and order them to return him to Jakarta.

Arriving in Jakarta, Soekarno and Muhammad Hatta along with other leaders met with Admiral Maeda at his home on Jl. Imam Bonjol. Admiral Maeda later assured the safety of Soekarno and other leaders and invited Soerkarno and Muhammad to formulate the text of the proclamation of independence. Together with Ahmad Soebardjo, the three of them formulated the text of the proclamation of independence which was then re-typed by Sayuti Melik.

Proclaiming Indonesia's Independence and Being Indonesia's First President
History of life of the first President of the Indonesian Republic Ir Soekarno
The Seconds of the Proclamation
On August 17, 1945, Soekarno and Moh Hatta also proclaimed the independence of Indonesia from the Japanese occupation which on that date is also celebrated as the Independence Day of Indonesia where Pancasila then formed by Soekarno as the foundation of the state of Indonesia.

This proclamation of independence then brought Ir. Soekarno together with Mohammad Hatta was appointed as the First President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia in the history of the Indonesian nation.

Beyond his figure as the father of the Indonesian nation, not many know if Soekarno ever married as many as nine times, a remarkable charisma owned by Soekarno through the narrative of those close to him, that's why beautiful women can be easily captivated by him and made his wife. He was attracted to a simple woman and also politely dressed.

His wife Fatmawati once asked President Soekarno about a woman who looked sexy but he replied that women with a polite and simple appearance and also appear as it is more interesting to be liked because the beauty of a woman is seen from its authenticity or simplicity.

Soekarno does not like sexy-looking women like wearing tight short skirts and wearing lipstick like modern people in general, believe or not American artist Marylin Monroe is very fond of the charisma of a President Soekarno.

Soekarno's dream woman is a faithful, conservative woman and can also look after her. He was very happy when she could serve him and look after him. His view of the American women who told her husband to wash the dishes made the Fatmawati unnerved and also fascinated by the simplicity of a Soekarno so fatmawati willingly accompanied him to the end of his life.

Indonesia during the reign of President Soekarno
During the reign of President Soekarno, Indonesia as a new country when it survived the various problems that often destabilize the state of Indonesia. The first time with the military aggression done by the Dutch who re-colonized Indonesia after Japan surrendered.

Then came a PKI rebellion led by Muso (Soekarno's old comrade) and Amir Syarifudin, Permesta Rebellion, Maluku Republican Uprising, APRA Revolt by Westeling, and Darul Islam or DI / TII rebellion by Kartosuwiryo who was his own comrade when Soekarno was young.

Despite many problems in the early days of the country, under the Soekarno government, Indonesia became famous in the eyes of Internasinal. Many world leaders such as John F. Kennedy who was then president of America and Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba and other country leaders, respected President Soekarno.

Indonesia was then known as a non-aligned country, and was closely connected with Russia and was marked by massive defense purchases of weapons from Russia and also against the Dutch while attempting to liberate West Irian. In addition, Indonesia through President Soekarno formed a Jakarta-Beijing-Moscow axis that made confrontation with the western bloc increasingly high.

This also makes Indonesia more left-left is characterized by the growing communist when it comes the term "NASAKOM" which was triggered by President Soekarno.

Indonesia even had to change the system of government from the parliamentary system became presidential from 1945 to 1960s. And in the 1960s a great political upheaval took place in Indonesia, the main cause was the great revolt by the PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia) known as G30-S / PKI which from this event then made the end of the story of the government of President Soekarno and also the order long over.

This is marked by the famous "Supersemar" or "Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret (Letter of Commemoration of Eleven March)" in 1966 and is still a historical controversy because the original manuscript is unknown until now. Supersemar was issued by President Soekarno and contained an appeal from President Soekarno to Soeharto in order to control the Security as well as the order of the country which was chaotic and also contained the mandate of transfer of power from Soekarno to Soeharto who later made Suharto as the new President for the Indonesian nation.

End of Office As President
After his presidency ended with the appointment of Soeharto as President, Ir Soekarno spent much of his time in the Bogor court, eventually his health continued to decline so he was treated by the presidential doctors until 21 June 1970 President Soekarno or Bung Karno exhaling his last breath at RSPAD Gatot Subroto, Jakarta.

The departure of the Proclaimer as well as the Father of the Indonesian Nation into the lap of the Almighty left a deep wound for the people of Indonesia at that time. The body of Bung Karno was then taken at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta after which his body was then taken to Blitar, East Java to be buried close to his mother's grave Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai.

The title "Hero of the Proclamation" was given by the government because of its services to the nation of Indonesia.

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