Complete list of traditional dance on the island of Sumatra

Indonesia's cultural riches have indeed been recognized by the world. One of them is a regional dance which is one of the diverse cultural treasures and is then merged into Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Indonesia holds a remarkable culture, spread in various regions from Sabang to Merauke. One of Indonesia's culture is regional dances.

Almost every region in Indonesia has their respective dances. This is because Indonesia has more than a thousand ethnic groups spread across various regions. Each of these regions has its respective regional dances.

Regional dance is a dance that develops in an area and creates a cultural identity of the people in the area. The regional dance usually tells the history or habits that develop in the community concerned.

But on this occasion, I will only share traditional dances originating from the island of Sumatra

Saman Dance - Nanggro Aceh Darrusalam (NAD) Province
Saman Dance
Saman Dance
Saman Dance is a traditional dance originating from the Gayo Tribe. Saman dance is usually performed to celebrate important events in adat. Besides this dance is usually also performed to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Saman dance was designated by UNESCO as a Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humans in Bali, 24 November 2011.

In general, saman dances are played by dozens or dozens of men, but the numbers must be odd. many also said that this dance was danced by less than 10 people, with a formation of 8 dancers and 2 people who gave a signal while singing.

To organize his various movements a leader is called a "Syekh". In addition to regulating the movements of the dancers, the Syekh was also tasked with singing saman's poems, namely "Ganit".

Dances originating from other Aceh Province :
  • Seudati Dance
  • Pukat Dance
  • Rampai Dance
  • Ratoh Duek Dance
  • Ula-ula Lembing Dance
  • Laweut Dance
  • Likok Pulo Dance
  • Rapa’i Geleng Dance
  • Ratéb Meuseukat Dance
  • Rabbani Wahed Dance
  • Ranup lam Puan Dance
Tortor Dance - North Sumatra Province
Tortor Dance
Tortor Dance
Tortor Dance is one of the ancient dances from the Toba Batak originating from North Sumatra which includes the North Tapanuli, Humbang Hasundutan, Toba Samosir and Samosir regions. To-tor dance is a dance whose movements are in tune with musical accompaniment (magondangi) which is played with traditional musical instruments such as gondang, flute, Batak trumpet, and others.

This dance is usually performed at the inauguration of a king, this dance is also derived from 7 heavenly daughters who bathed in a lake on the peak of pusuk buhit mountain along with the arrival of Piso Sipitu Sasarung (knife seven sheaths). Then the tor-tor Tunggal Panaluan is a ritual culture. Usually held when a village is hit by a disaster, then the date of departure is danced by the shamans to get directions for solutions to overcome the problem.

Dances originating from other North Sumatra Provinces :
  • Serampang Dua Belas Dance
  • Manduda Dance
  • Baluse Dance
  • Kuda Kuda Dance
  • Gundala Gundala Dance
  • Mulih Mulih Dance
  • Baka Dance
  • Begu Delleng Dance
  • Muncang Dance
  • Piso Surit Dance
  • Endeng Endeng Dance
  • Tortor Naposo Bulung Dance
  • Guro Guro Aron Terang Bulan Dance
  • Toping Toping Dance
  • Haroan Bolon Dance
  • Manduda Dance
  • Tatak Menapu Kopi Dance
  • Tatak Garo Garo Dance
  • Dembas Simanguda Dance
  • Tatak Muat Page Dance
  • Tatak Renggisa Dance
  • Balanse Madam Dance
  • Perang Dance
  • Maena Dance
  • Moyo Dance
  • Serampang Dua Belas Dance
  • Makyong Dance
  • Kuda Kepang Dance
  • Inang Dance
Payung Dance (Umbrella Dance) - West Sumatra Province
Payung Dance
Payung Dance
The Payung dance (Umbrella Dance) symbolizes affection and reflects the association of young people. This umbrella aims to protect them from negative things. Umbrella dance is usually performed by 3-4 dancers performed in pairs between men and women.

Apart from using an umbrella as a tool played by male dancers, it can also be added with a scarf for female dancers. The music is quite varied, starting from rather slow, then rather quickly and quickly, very dynamic. This dance is usually performed at the opening of a party, exhibition or other forms of activity.

Dances originating from other West Sumatra Provinces :
    • Tabuik Dance
    • Alang Babega Minangkabau Dance
    • Ambek-Ambek Koto Anau Dance
    • Barabah Dance
    • Gelombang Dance
    • Indang Badindin Dance
    • Kain Paisia Selatan Dance
    • Kiek Gadih Minang Dance
    • Lilin Dance
    • Paten Dance
    • Pasambahan Minang Dance
    • Piring Kubu Durian Padang Dance
    • Rancak Minangkabau Dance
    • Rancak Di Nan Jombang Dance
    • Randai Dance
    • Sabalah Dance Dance
    • Sinar Riau Dance
    • Tempurung Dance
    • Tudung Saji Minangkabau Dance
    Tandak Dance - Riau Province
    Tandak Dance
    Tandak Dance
    Tandak dance is a dance and song in the form of rhymes from a group of men and women who answer or vice versa. The song in this dance is a question and answer what is happening or what is on this earth in everyday life. Tandak dance is a social dance that very liked or liked in Riau.
    This dance is a combination of dance and literature, usually performed at night. The dance begins with all participants Tandak dance form a circle and holds each participant's shoulders.

    Then the participants walked while lifting their legs and stomping them to the ground. In tandak dance, it is usually led by a person called "Kepala Ngejang". The chief who acts as a rhythmic in the tandak dance movement, and stands in the middle of the participants by playing the sleigh instruments made of iron or silver mixed with bronze.

    Dances originating from other Riau Provinces :
    • Gamelan Dance
    • Makan Sirih Dance
    • Melemang Dance
    • Zapin Matahari Dance
    • Zapin Dance
    • Kuda Kepang Dance
    • Rentak Bulian Dance
    • Masri Dance
    Melemang Dance - Kepulauan Riau Province (Riau Islands)
    Malemang Dance
    Malemang Dance
    Melemang dance is a traditional dance of the people in the Bintan area. The melemang dance is said to have existed since the time of the Bentan kingdom. This means that the dance has been known since the 12th century.

    It is said that at that time, the dance did not include folk consumption dances, but court dances. The dancers were not ordinary people, but the ladies who came from around the palace.

    Melemang Dance is played by 14 people, including a player playing the role of a King, one acting as a queen, one playing a princess, four as a musician, one as a singer, and six as a dancer.

    Dances originating from other Kepulauan Riau Provinces :
    • Persembahan Dance
    • Makyong Dance
    • Zapin Dance
    • Melemang Dance
    • Zapin Matahari Dance
    • Tandak Sedati Dance
    • Joged Lambak Dance
    • Gamelan Dance
    Sekapur Sirih Dance - Jambi Province
    Sekapur Sirih Dance
    Sekapur Sirih Dance
    Sekapur Sirih dance is a welcome dance to big guests in Jambi and Riau Provinces. And it is also well-known in Malaysia as a mandatory dance for great guests. The Greatness in soft and smooth motion blends with the accompaniment of music and poetry intended for guests. Welcoming with a clear white face shows hospitality for respected guests.

    This dance illustrates the expression of the white heart of the community in welcoming guests. Sekapur  Sirih is usually danced by 9 female dancers, and 3 male dancers, 1 person in charge of carrying an umbrella and 2 bodyguards.
    Properties used: cerano / container containing betel leaf sheets, umbrellas, kris.
    Clothing: Jambi traditional clothing, traditional Malay accompaniment of music with musical instruments consisting of violin, gambus, accordion, tambourine, gong, and drum.

    Dances originating from other Jambi Provinces :
    • Selampit Delapan Dance
    • Rangguk Dance
    • Inai Dance
    • Tauh Dance
    • Nitih Mahligai Dance
    • Sekato Dance
    • Tari Liang Asak Dance
    • Tari Serengkuh Dayung Dance
    • Tari Rentak Kudo Dance
    • Tari Kisan Dance
    Andun Dance - Bengkulu Provinces
    Andun Dance
    Andun Dance
    Andun dance is one of the folk dances originating from Bengkulu and performed at weddings. Usually performed by singles and girls in pairs at night accompanied by kolintang music. In ancient times, this dance was usually used as a means of finding a mate after the rice harvest was finished. As a form of preservation, it is currently done as a means of entertainment for the community, especially single girls.
    Along with the development of the times and to preserve it today danun dances performed as one means of entertainment for the community, especially single girl. Besides this dance is a dance that is useful to welcome the respected guests. Such as officials or guests of the State and tourists to introduce this dance more broadly.

    Dances originating from other Bengkulu Provinces :
    • Bidadari Teminang Anak Dance
    • Tombak Kerbau Dance
    • Putri Gading Cempaka Dance
    • Pukek Dance
    • Kejei Dance
    • Tari Penyambutan Dance
    Gending Sriwijaya Dance - South Sumatra Province
    Gending Sriwijaya Dance
    Gending Sriwijaya Dance
    Gending Sriwijaya dance was held to welcome special guests who visited the area, such as the head of state cabinet ministers, governments of friendly countries, ambassadors or that considered equivalent. To welcome the great guests, traditional dance was held, one of which was Gending Sriwijaya, this dance originated from the heyday of the Sriwijaya empire in Palembang, which reflected the attitude of the host who was friendly, happy and happy, sincere and open to the special guest.

    This dance is usually performed by as many as 13 dancers, consisting of 9 core dancers and 4 companions and singers. The Gending Sriwijaya song was performed to accompany the Gending Sriwijaya dance. Both the song and the dance illustrate the nobility of culture, glory, and majesty of the kingdom of Srivijaya who once succeeded in uniting the Western Archipelago. The lyrics of this song also illustrate a person's longing for an era where Sriwijaya was once the center of Buddhist studies in the world.

    Dances originating from other South Sumatra Provinces :
    • Tanggal Dance
    • Putri Bekhusek Dance
    • Madik (Nindai) Dance
    • Tenun Songket Dance
    • Rodat Cempako Dance
    • Mejeng Basuko Dance
    • Tanggai Dance
    • Sebimbing Sekundang Dance
    • Pagar Pengantin Dance
    • Kebagh Dance
    • Putri Bekhusek Dance
    Campak Dance - Bangka Belitung Province
    Campak Dance
    Campak Dance
    Campak dance about the association that illustrates the excitement of young people. This dance is usually performed in pairs by men and women. This dance is also used as entertainment in various activities such as welcoming guests or at weddings in Bangka Belitung.

    The development of the Campak Dance has experienced acculturation with European culture, especially the Portuguese. European culture has an influence on this Campak Dance and can be seen from the accompanying musical instrument, the accordion. This influence is also evident in modern European clothing worn by female dancers, such as long dresses, hats, and high heels. Whereas male dancers wear traditional clothing namely shirts, trousers, cap, and shawls.

    Dances originating from other Bangka Belitung Provinces :
    • Sekapur Sirih Dance
    • Sepen Dance
    • Beripat Dance
    • Pendulang Timah Dance
    • Men Sahang Lah Mirah Dance
    • Gi Ke Aik Dance
    Sembah Dance - Lampung Province
    Sembah Dance
    Sembah Dance
    Sembah dance is a traditional dance originating from the Pepadun Tribe of Lampung Province. In the beginning, the Dance of Worship was performed at the welcoming ceremony of the kings and special guests. At the moment the Dance of Worship is known as a welcoming dance whose purpose is to respect the guests who come. Besides that, the worship dance is also performed at the wedding ceremony with the same purpose of welcoming the guests who attend the event.

    This dance nuance of Hinduism that can be seen from dance costumes that use a fairly open fabric combined with Inuh cloth with a subordinate filter skirt. The dancers are women who generally number five with one person as a carrier of sigeh (Sirih) in a gold box. On the head, a Siger crown with a 9-layer horn was attached. This dance tempo is graceful.

    Dances originating from other Lampung Provinces :
    • Jangget Dance
    • Bedana Dance
    • Malinting Dance
    Thank you for visiting and reading the post I have made on this blog, hopefully, in my post, this time can provide knowledge and make your knowledge more broadly about the culture of Indonesia. Once again, thank you.

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