History of Indonesia National Hero - Pangeran Diponegoro (Prince Diponegoro)

History of Indonesia National Hero - Pangeran Diponegoro (Prince Diponegoro)
Pangeran Diponegoro (Prince Diponegoro)
History of Indonesia National Hero - Pangeran Diponegoro (Prince Diponegoro). Prince Diponegoro was born in Yogyakarta, November 11, 1785. Prince Diponegoro is famous for leading the Diponegoro War / Java War (1825-1830) against the Dutch East Indies government. The war was recorded as the war with the biggest victims in the history of Indonesia.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia gave recognition to Prince Diponegoro as National Hero on November 6, 1973 through Presidential Decree No.87 / TK / 1973.

The highest award is also awarded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), on 21 June 2013 establishing Babad Diponegoro as Memory of the World. Babad Diponegoro is a classic manuscript created by Prince Diponegoro when exiled in Manado, North Sulawesi, in 1832-1833.

Origin story of  Prince Diponegoro

Prince Diponegoro is the eldest son of Sultan Hamengkubuwono III, a king of Mataram in Yogyakarta. Born on November 11, 1785 in Yogyakarta by Mustahar name of a concubine named R.A. Mangkarawati, an ampeyan garwa (non-consort wife) originally from Pacitan. Prince Diponegoro named small Raden Mas Ontowiryo.

Realizing his position as the son of a concubine, Diponegoro rejected his father's wish, Sultan Hamengkubuwono III, to appoint him to be king mataram on the grounds that his mother was not queen. Diponegoro is more interested in religious life and populist so he prefers to live in Tegalrejo where his great grandfather lived, the queen of HB I Ratu Ageng Tegalrejo rather than in the palace. His rebellion against the palace started from the leadership of Hamengkubuwana V (1822) where Diponegoro became one of the guardian members who accompanied the 3-year-old Hamengkubuwana V while the daily administration was held by Patih Danureja with the Dutch Resident. Such a guardianship is not approved by Diponegoro.

History of the Struggle of Prince Diponegoro

Diponegoro war began when the Dutch put a peg on the land owned by Diponegoro in the village of Tegalrejo. He was disgusted by the Dutch behavior that did not want to appreciate the customs of the local people and also exploited the people with the tax imposition.

Diponegoro's stance against the Dutch openly, received sympathy and popular support. At the suggestion of Prince Mangkubumi, his uncle, Diponegoro withdrew from Tegalrejo, and made a headquarters in a cave called Goa Selarong. At that time, Diponegoro declared that his resistance was a war of sabil, resistance against the pagans. The spirit of "war sabil" Inflamed Diponegoro bring widespread influence to the area of ​​Pacitan and Kedu. One of the religious leaders in Surakarta, Kyai Maja, joined the Diponegoro troop in Goa Selarong.Perjuangan Pangeran Diponegoro is supported by S.I.S.K.S. Pakubuwono VI and Raden Tumenggung Prawirodigdaya Bupati Gagatan.

At the height of the war, the Dutch deployed more than 23,000 soldiers; something that had never happened before that where a relatively small area like Central Java and parts of east Java was guarded by tens of thousands of soldiers.

In 1827, the Dutch attacked the Diponegoro using a fortress system so that Diponegoro troops pinched. In 1829, Kyai Maja, the spiritual leader of the rebellion, was arrested. Following then Prince Mangkubumi and chief commander Sentot Alibasya surrendered to the Dutch. Finally on March 28, 1830, General De Kock managed to pinch the Diponegoro troops in Magelang. There, Prince Diponegoro declared willing to surrender on condition that the remaining members of his troops were released. Thus, Prince Diponegoro was arrested and exiled to Manado, then transferred to Makassar until his death at Rotterdam Castle on 8 January 1855.

The war against the invaders and then followed by the sons of Prince Diponegoro. Prince Alip or Ki Sodewo or nice Singlon, Diponingrat, diponegoro Anom, Prince Joned continued to fight despite the tragic end. Four Putera Prince Diponegoro was exiled to Ambon, while Prince Joned was killed in battle, as did Ki Sodewo.
Bagus Singlon or Ki Sodewo is Putera Pangeran Diponegoro with Raden Ayu Citrawati. Ki Sadewa's struggle to accompany his father was based on a sense of resentment at the death of his grandmother (Ronggo) and his mother when Raden Ronggo was forced to surrender for rebelling against the Dutch. Through the hands of Mataram prince who has been controlled by Patih Danurejo, then Raden Ronggo can be conquered. Little Ki Sodewo and Sentot with the Madiun regent's family were then handed over to Keraton as evidence of the success of the raid.

Ki Sodewo who was a baby then taken by Prince Diponegoro then dititipkan on his friend named Ki Tembi. Ki Tembi then took him away and always moved places so that his existence is not smelled by the Dutch. The Dutch themselves at that time really hate the child down Raden Ronggo who had always been famous as a Dutch opponent. On the will of Prince Diponegoro, the baby is named Singlon which means disguise.

Arrest and exile

Various ways continue to be attempted by the Dutch to capture Diponegoro. Even the contest was used. 50,000 Gulden reward given to anyone who can catch Diponegoro.

20 February 1830, Prince Diponegoro and Colonel Cleerens met at Remo Kamal, Bagelen (now in Purworejo territory). Cleerens proposed that Kanjeng Pangeran and his followers stay at Menoreh while waiting for Lt. Gen. Markus de Kock's arrival from Batavia.

28 March 1830, Diponegoro met General de Kock in Magelang. De Kock forced the negotiations and urged Diponegoro to stop the war. The request was rejected Diponegoro But the Dutch had prepared an ambush carefully. The same day Diponegoro was arrested and exiled to Ungaran, then taken to the Residency Building of Semarang, and directly to Batavia by Pollux on 5 April.

11 April 1830, arrived in Batavia and was taken prisoner at Stadhuis (now the Museum building of Fatahillah). Pending the resolution of Governor-General Van den Bosch.

30 April 1830, the decision went out. Prince Diponegoro, Raden Ayu Retnaningsih, Tumenggung Dipasana and his wife, as well as other followers such as Mertaleksana, Banteng Wereng, and Nyai Sotaruna will be banished to Manado.

3 May 1830, Diponegoro and entourage departed by ship Pollux to Manado and captured at the Amsterdam fortress.

The year 1834 was transferred to Rotterdam fort in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

8 January 1855, Diponegoro died and was buried in Makassar, precisely on Diponegoro Street, Melayu Urban Village, Wajo Subdistrict, about four kilometers north of downtown Makassar.

The end of Java War which was the end of Javanese aristocratic resistance. This Java War took many casualties on the side of the Indian government as many as 8,000 European soldiers, 7,000 natives, and 200,000 Javanese.

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