Best ways to get to Indonesia : Travel Guide

Indonesia, an archipelago nation known for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural diversity, and vibrant traditions, has long been a favorite destination for travelers from around the world. However, with more than 17,000 islands and a multitude of travel options, finding the best way to explore this tropical paradise can be a challenge. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline the best ways to travel to Indonesia, covering transportation options, visa requirements, and essential tips for a memorable journey.

Choosing Your Entry Point

Indonesia offers various entry points for international travelers, but the two primary gateways are Jakarta and Bali. Your choice of entry point largely depends on your travel itinerary.

Jakarta (Soekarno-Hatta International Airport)

  • Jakarta is the capital city and Indonesia's largest metropolis.
  • Ideal for travelers planning to explore Java and western parts of the country.
  • It's well-connected to other cities within Indonesia.

Bali (Ngurah Rai International Airport)

  • Bali, known as the "Island of the Gods," is a popular destination for tourists.
  • Perfect for those looking to explore Bali, the surrounding islands, and Eastern Indonesia.
  • Offers a wide range of international flights.

Visa Requirements

Visa requirements for Indonesia vary depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit. Here are some key points to consider:

Visa-Free Entry

  • Travelers from many countries can enter Indonesia for tourism purposes without a visa for up to 30 days.
  • Check the official Indonesian immigration website for a list of countries eligible for visa-free entry.

Tourist Visa (B-211)

  • If you plan to stay longer than 30 days, you can apply for a tourist visa (B-211) at the Indonesian embassy or consulate in your home country.
  • The tourist visa can be extended for another 30 days in Indonesia.

Visa on Arrival (VOA)

  • Some nationalities are eligible for Visa on Arrival, which allows you to stay for up to 30 days.
  • You can extend a VOA for an additional 30 days at the immigration office in Indonesia.

Social or Business Visa

  • If you intend to stay for an extended period, such as for work, research, or family visits, you may apply for a social or business visa.
  • These visas require sponsorship from an Indonesian individual or organization.

Transportation Options

Indonesia's extensive archipelago presents travelers with a wide range of transportation options. Here are the best ways to get around the country:

Domestic Flights

  • With its vast territory, Indonesia's domestic flight network is well-developed.
  • Ideal for long-distance travel between islands.
  • Major airlines like Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, and Citilink offer frequent domestic flights.

Ferries and Boats

  • Ferries and boats are a common mode of transportation between islands.
  • Popular routes include Bali to Lombok, Java to Bali, and Sumatra to Java.
  • Fast boats are available for shorter journeys.


  • Indonesia has a train network connecting major cities on Java, Sumatra, and Bali.Train travel offers a unique way to enjoy scenic landscapes.
  • Consider booking executive or business class for a more comfortable journey.


  • Buses are a budget-friendly way to explore Indonesia, especially on Java and Bali.
  • You can choose from standard buses, tourist buses, or "patas" buses with air conditioning.

Ride-Sharing Apps

  • In cities like Jakarta, Bali, and Surabaya, ride-sharing apps like Gojek and Grab are popular for getting around.
  • They provide affordable and convenient transportation options.

Motorbikes and Scooters

  • Renting a motorbike or scooter is a common choice for short-distance travel on islands like Bali and Lombok.
  • Ensure you have the necessary licenses and safety gear.

Car Rentals

  • Car rentals are available in major tourist destinations.
  • Driving in Indonesia can be challenging due to traffic and road conditions, so be prepared.

Accommodation Options

Indonesia offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Here are some recommendations:

Luxury Resorts

  • Bali, Lombok, and other tourist destinations offer a plethora of luxury resorts with world-class amenities.
  • Enjoy beachfront villas, spa treatments, and fine dining.

Boutique Hotels

  • Boutique hotels are ideal for travelers seeking a unique and personalized experience.
  • These smaller properties often feature distinctive designs and excellent service.


  • Experience local culture by staying in homestays, which provide a more authentic and budget-friendly option.
  • You'll have the chance to interact with local families and immerse yourself in Indonesian life.


  • Hostels are a popular choice for backpackers and budget-conscious travelers.
  • They offer dormitory-style accommodations and a social atmosphere.


  • Airbnb listings can be found throughout Indonesia, allowing you to rent private homes and apartments.
  • This option provides flexibility and local insights.

Local Cuisine and Dining

One of the highlights of traveling to Indonesia is experiencing its diverse and delicious cuisine. Here are some must-try dishes and dining tips:

  • Nasi Goreng, Indonesia's version of fried rice, often served with a fried egg and krupuk (crispy shrimp crackers).
  • Satay (Sate), skewered and grilled meats, usually served with a flavorful peanut sauce and rice cake.
  • Nasi Padang, a traditional Minangkabau meal from West Sumatra, featuring various small dishes served with rice.
  • Gado-Gado, a salad of mixed vegetables, tofu, and tempeh topped with peanut sauce.
  • Rendang, a spicy meat dish, usually made with beef, cooked slowly in coconut milk and a blend of lemongrass, galangal, garlic, and chilies.
  • Street Food, don't miss out on the vibrant street food culture in Indonesia. Try local specialties like martabak, bakso, and soto.
  • Dietary Restrictions, if you have dietary restrictions or food allergies, be sure to communicate your needs to restaurant staff. Many places are accommodating.

Cultural Etiquette

Respecting local customs and traditions is crucial when traveling in Indonesia. Here are some cultural etiquette tips:

  • Dress Modestly, Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, and modest clothing is appreciated, especially in religious sites.
  • Remove Shoes, it's customary to remove your shoes before entering someone's home or a temple.
  • Use Your Right Hand, when giving or receiving something, always use your right hand, as the left hand is traditionally considered unclean.
  • Greetings, a handshake and a smile are common greetings. However, in some areas, it's customary to bow your head slightly with your hands together in a prayer-like gesture.
  • Learn Some Basic Phrases, learning a few Indonesian phrases, such as "hello" (selamat pagi/siang/sore/malam), "thank you" (terima kasih), and "yes" (ya), can go a long way in showing respect.

Traveling to Indonesia offers a wealth of experiences, from exploring lush rainforests to immersing yourself in local cultures and savoring delicious cuisine. The best way to travel to Indonesia depends on your preferences, budget, and the regions you wish to explore. Remember to check visa requirements, plan your transportation, book accommodation in advance, and embrace the country's rich cultural traditions. Indonesia's diverse landscapes, friendly people, and captivating history await those who embark on this incredible journey.

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